The [Not] Bored Prophecy Unveiled: A New Age of Board Games!


Tomas & Joaquin drafting out [Not] Bored Games 2024 success plan.

A New Year’s resolution often involves a guilt-fueled pledge of excessive restriction to correct the passing year’s missteps. Hiding behind these desperate resolutions are peer pressure, nagging feelings of inadequacy, and a panicked sense that time is slipping away. Symptoms may include spontaneous jogging, eating nothing but kale, and delusions that “this is gonna be my year!” Left unattended, most resolutions fizzle out by February (if symptoms persist, you’re doing amazing, sweetie!).

This year at [Not] Bored Games, we have goals that are too important to be left to wither and die at the shores of the new year. So, how can we make sure we accomplish them? We have a fun idea to give New Year’s resolutions a [not] boring twist to help keep us motivated. We invite you to join us in rebranding your resolutions and transforming them into prophecy!

[Not] Bored Games New Year’s resolution rebranding

While a resolution depends on weak-willed mortal hope, a prophecy springs from the gods themselves. We have been to the Oracle of the New Year, and she foretold a prophecy unto us: 2024 will bring about a new era of gaming and education!

Behold the omens of our resolution! First, a stampede of prototypes will grace the hands of board game reviewers and game testers. Next, our pockets shall turn Kickstarter-green with the proceeds from our crowdfunding. By summer, the gospel of [Not] Bored Games will be whispered among gatherings of homeschooling parents, gaming families, and eventually the world. Lastly, a host of new games for playtesting shall descend upon the Earth from our imaginations.

The First Trumpet: Reviewers Receive Frango Morango

As the people of the new year cast aside their kale salads and jogging outfits, copies of Frango Morango, our flagship game, will be dispatched to various board game critics and eager players for their review: the chosen few. Only they can unlock our game’s secret learnings and share them with the world.

Frango Morango (Chicken Strawberry in Portuguese) is a whimsical game of farming and negotiation created from our need to resolve problems in a non-violent way. It makes bargaining engaging while subtly instilling vital emotional intelligence skills in those who play.

Initial playtests confirm Frango Morango’s incredible power to both amuse and educate. Game sessions are filled with the promising sounds of laughter and excited squeals. At first, players don’t even realize all they are learning, but one savvy tester remarked in awe, “It really teaches you how to negotiate from scratch!” Better yet, our own kids play Frango Morango as part of their homeschooling curriculum, and they have been able to use the situations and strategies from the game and apply them to resolve real-life conflicts.

As more reviews come in, we’ll continue to see our prophecy being fulfilled. So it is written!

Beware the Ides of March!

Four hundred hundred years ago, Shakespeare warned, “Beware the ides of march.” Clearly, he was concerned you might overlook our Kickstarter arriving in March 2024!

Mean Grils “Ides of March” Meme

With Frango Morango, we embark on a mission to revolutionize learning through play. We envision a future where games transcend entertainment and distraction, striving for a positive and meaningful impact. Our first game aims to guide players, especially kids, in creating ways of negotiating and resolving conflicts more empathically and through non-violent communication. So make your pledges and support our Kickstarter campaign; nobody likes a Brutus.

What’s in it for you? Unlock exclusive rewards, from original sets of Frango Morango to deluxe editions with one-of-a-kind components. Act swiftly, set your reminders, and follow our pre-launch page to be part of this exhilarating journey.

As the [Not] Bored Prophecy gains momentum on Kickstarter, it becomes the heartbeat of our mission. Your support in this phase is not merely about receiving a delightful game but casting a vote for a future where laughter and tears around the board game table are signs of learning and not just seen as goofing off.

Spreading the [Not] Bored Gospel

Knock, knock! Have you embraced [not] boredom into your heart? May we come in? W-why are you closing the d…

Andrew Rannells in The Book Of Mormon (Musical)

For too long, education has worshipped false idols and vacant rituals. We know that Learning resides in curiosity, imagination, and play. At [Not] Bored Games, our humble duty is to spread the message that learning is everywhere, especially in board games.

Learning dwells within every “aha” moment, every meeple’s journey, and every child’s laughter. The [not] holy word will be disseminated through social media, blog articles, and, of course, the games we design. But you also have a crucial role to play. Join us, fellow believers, and post about our games, share our newsletter, and tag us in your stories, for it is through you that our message can make its way to the world.

The Wolf of Wallstreet team chanting “One of Us”

Meanwhile, we will perform the sacred rites of playtesting and channeling our imagination into games for learning. Together, we’ll revive education as a realm of playful discovery, not a dreary obligation.

The Second Coming: New Games Descend

Learning is our Lord and board games are our prophets. The successful launch of Frango Morango will unleash a new wave of games that prioritize fun while secretly being educational. As foretold, the signs continue accumulating, and our prophecy unfolds!

Rook & Pawn — Board games, Bar and Cafe.

In the pipeline, we have multiple games that explore various domains of the learning journey. A game about brave ninjas learning to read and spell to prevent the terrible Shogun from silencing the voice kingdom. Another game where a lone samurai learns to divide his foes by the edge of his legendary blade, subtracting them back to the spirit world. We’re even working on a game about a sickly hero who always manages to run away from school but can never hide from his emotions.

There are so many games and so little time! By year’s end, legions of new games will march forth to champion learning and spread the art of being [not] bored. During that time, we will update you and invite you to join our playtesting sessions as we schedule them throughout the year. Also, beware of the many events where we will congregate, showcasing the upcoming games and surprises from our [Not] Bored Team.

The New Era Dawns!

The end is near! The end of boredom, that is.

Homer chants, “The end is near,” in the Thank God It’s Doomsday episode.

As foretold, the era of dry lectures will be gone, and restrictive curriculums will crumble. The [not] bored-pocalypse will usher in a new age of playing to learn, curiosity, and passion, where the notion that learning is boring will be abolished from our minds.

Our homeschooling journey has helped us realize that learning is everywhere, and it has pushed us toward our goal of creating games for education. We have seen firsthand with our kids that engaging with what motivates you makes you more curious and a more avid learner.

As we enter the times when learning becomes fun, board games stop being mere forms of entertainment; they become keys to unlocking the gates of knowledge. The dice become instruments of enlightenment, and each roll is a step closer to revelation.

The [Not] Bored Prophecy is not a one-time event; it’s an unfolding saga. It gains strength with every Kickstarter backer, playtester, and follower — you have a role to play in all of this. Cast aside your doubts and become enraptured in a world where learning and passion are everywhere. Become prophecy; become [Not] Bored.

Stay tuned for more updates on the Real Story of [Not] Bored Games and the thrilling journey behind our project. Don’t forget to follow us to uncover all the mysteries that await and the surprises to come.



A Curious Blog of [Not] Bored Games

[Not] Bored Games builds B-O-A-R-D games for learning and being [Not] Bored