The Heist Before Christmas
‘Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the town
Not a creature was playing, not even around;
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
In hopes small-box games would fit in there.
Wendy was nestled all snug in her bed;
While visions of meeples danced through her head;
Willa crocheting and Bill in his caps,
Had settled for their first winter above Grampappy’s shack.
When from up in the attic arose such a clatter,
Bill sprung from his bed to see what was the matter;
Some dastardly devil, daring and brash
Broke in for some mischief and was gone in a flash.
Nothing was stolen, everything seemed right,
But what Bill saw in the game room next, gave him a fright:
The naughty [not] burglar took every delight
In ruining the Welldigger’s board games tonight.
He framed Mrs. Peacock and murdered the colonel
Then, scribbled their Scrabble and scrambled their Boggle
He set up a treasonous game of Twister,
Between all the chess pawns and the bishop sisters.
Too hard he did spin the game of LIFE’s roulette
After he sunk their Battleships in the toilette,
He blocked their roads and lost their Ticket to Ride;
Toppled their Jenga and blew up their Mastermind.
Only one thing was left untouched:
A plate of gluten-free cookies and one soy milk jug.
A suspicious trail the intruder did leave us
In a curious road of loose jigsaw pieces,
Betwixt Grampappy’s files and under the tree
Suggesting an escape through the chimney.
This year’s gift, for the first time in history,
Is not wrapped in bright paper, but rather, in mystery;
So, if you find the culprit hidden in the details,
Wait for the answer; next issue, on The Boderton Tales.
Stay tuned for more captivating chapters of the Boderton Tales as you join us on this enchanting journey within [Not] Bored Games. Don’t forget to follow us to uncover all the mysteries that await and the surprises to come.